
Contact and hours

To find us: Gps lat 44.17427 and long 4.52414

The vault is open from Monday to Saturday

July and August from 10:30 to 13: 00 and from 16:30 to 19: 00
from September to June from 16:30 to 19: 00

For all other times we are always available
by calling the 04 66 79 01 74 or 06 76 27 27 11

Contact information

Domaine Chanoine RambertThe Bégude departmental 143
Saint Andrew of Olerargues 30330

Mob: (+ 33) 6 76 27 27 11

Mob: (+ 33) 6 41 67 91 06
FIX: (+ 33) 4 66 79 01 74